电影 犯罪都市4


While investigating a drug-trafficking app, “Monster Cop” Ma Seok-do and his team discover a connection between the app’s developer, who was murdered in the Philippines, and an illegal online gambling organisation. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Baek Chang-gi is controlling the Korean online illegal gambling market and spreading terror with kidnap, assault and murder. His partn...


  • 片名:犯罪都市4
  • 状态: HD
  • 主演: 朴智焕 / 李东辉 / 金武烈 / 马东锡 /
  • 导演: 许明行 /
  • 年份: 2024
  • 地区: 韩国/
  • 类型:
  • 时长: 内详
  • 上映: 2024
  • 语言: 韩语 / 英语 / 菲律宾语 /
  • 简介: While investigating a drug-trafficking app, “Monster Cop” Ma Seok-do and his team discover a connection between the app’s developer, who was murdered in the Philippines, and an illegal online gambling organisation. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Baek Chang-gi is controlling the Korean online illegal gambling market and spreading terror with kidnap, assault and murder. His partn...
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While investigating a drug-trafficking app, “Monster Cop” Ma Seok-do and his team discover a connection between the app’s developer, who was murdered in the Philippines, and an illegal online gambling organisation. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Baek Chang-gi is controlling the Korean online illegal gambling market and spreading terror with kidnap, assault and murder. His partn...


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  • 这是一部具有奇幻元素的电影,故事发生在1996年的夏天,在阿拉戈斯海岸,塔玛拉在她居住的渔村度过了最后几周,然后前往巴西利亚学习。有一天,她遇到了一个绰号叫“无情怪”的十几岁女孩...
  • Two young boys, best friends Malik and Eric, discover the joys and hardships of growing up in the sprawling Cabrini-Green public housing complex in 1992 Chicago in the latest film from director Minhal Baig (Hala, TIFF ’19).
  • 事情还从一间珠宝行被偷说起,警方很快就锁定嫌疑人--骑着单车,头戴白头巾的男子。然随着追查,发现嫌疑人数逐渐增加,这一切的一切,貌似都与一名叫伊克巴尔的人有关...。
  • While investigating a drug-trafficking app, “Monster Cop” Ma Seok-do and his team discover a connection between the app’s developer, who was murdered in the Philippines, and an illegal online gambling organisation. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Baek Chang-gi is controlling the Korean online illegal gambling market and spreading terror with kidnap, assault and murder. His partn...
  • 本片讲述了冬捕开始前的七天里,发生在中国东北一座老工业城市的一个老人的故事。丈夫去世几年后,82岁的赵丽华患上了轻度抑郁症。她打算去职工浴池泡澡,却多次被拒之门外而且遭到羞辱。儿子朱红兵为了找到两个陪护母亲洗澡的女人费尽周折,一个看似简单的日常生活,摆在这对母子面前却显得异常地艰难。母亲最后也没实现在职工浴池泡澡的心愿,尽管她曾在这个工厂工作了一辈子。对于赵丽华而言,“泡澡”是洗礼一般的自我清洁,有尊严地“安乐”地离开,是她最后的选择……
  • 英浩被身为医生的父亲召见,发现他正忙着给病人看病,其中一个是著名的演员,于是他不得不等待。他的女朋友Juwon搬到柏林去读书,英浩为了给她一个惊喜,出现在这个城市。Juwon通过母亲在一个艺术家那里找到了住处,他的美貌让她惊惧。一段时间后,英浩和他的母亲一起去吃午饭,母亲想给他介绍一个同事,正好就是英浩在父亲的诊所遇到的那个人。英浩让朋友贞秀陪他一起去,午饭后他们去了海边。英浩睡着了,梦见了Juwon。醒来后,他冒着严寒去游泳,贞秀在一旁看着。
  • 一个无风的盛夏,曾为作家的房仲周迅生,迎来一位房客,一个清澈稚嫩、热衷在生活中表演的剧场演员,他很快地成为迅生观察的对象。而在舞台剧《海鸥》上演前,演员痛失角色,却发现自己活成了迅生小说中的主角。一名渴望被凝视的演员,一名只能寄情于文字狂想的作家,戏里戏外,在不同角色间 困惑混淆,释放欲望。导演孔庆辉游走于多重文本与身份,辩证真实与虚假。
  • 萨贝尔和布赖恩两人相爱,这对美丽的夫妻过上了幸福的婚姻生活,但是在蜜月期间,新娘萨贝尔被三个强壮的男人强奸玷污,他们不顾新娘的哭喊声,竟然当着丈夫的面轮奸了新娘,并残忍杀害了丈夫布赖恩。萨贝尔濒死之际,却意外获救,并且幸存下来,她发誓要让罪犯经历地狱,并开始了一系列复仇计划。
  • 该片以人工智能服务“Wonderland”为切入点,讲述与看不到的爱人进行视频通话,从而得到心灵慰藉的故事。
  • The latest by powerhouse artist-filmmaker duo Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor picks up a thread from their last film THE FUTURE TENSE, a soulful investigation of Ireland’s tumultuous history. Here, using the form of a heist movie, they tell the true story of Rose Dugdale (played by Imogen Poots), a young heiress who rebelled against her English aristocratic upbringing to volunteer with the Irish Republican Army. In 1974, Dugdale and her collaborators swiped 19 paintings—including Rubens, Goya, and Vermeer—from a private home, using these treasures as leverage for the liberation of four IRA prisoners. Lawlor and Molloy’s highly atmospheric thriller plunges us into the Troubles with heart-stopping intensity, and Poots is riveting as the revolutionary. Beneath her radical facade, we see her fragility and inner turmoil, as she wrestles with appreciation for the beautiful artifacts of a world she has set out to destroy, and the fear of the chaos she has unleashed.